岛式冷冻柜 - LZD-6D、LZD-7P、LZD-8P
岛式冷冻柜 - LZD-6D、LZD-7P、LZD-8P  岛冰柜 展示及特别系列   Service, Specialist, Seller, Supplier, Provider | KOK COOL REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONER WORKS
Island freezers are refrigeration system that use a compressor to adjust the pressure of refrigerant gas in order to create cryogenic refrigeration. Supermarket island freezers and refrigerators differ from common air compressors due to their varied working circumstances and compression medium.

Similar to chest freezers, our Island Freezer is a plug-in type commercial refrigerator, and this display chiller is perfect to showcase goods like ice cream while providing efficient use of space, especially for convenience stores.

-25~18˚C For ice cream

Product Model: LZD-60, LZD-7P, LZD-8P
Size With End Panel (MM): 1870 (W) x 875 (D) x 835 (H), 2115 (W) x 875 (D) x 835 (H), 2502(W) x 875(D) x 835(H)
Temperature Range  (˚C): -18 and above
Total Display Ares (M2): 1.1, 1.2, 1.5
Net Volume  (M3): 0.7, 0.8, 0.9
Rated Power  (W): 560, 570, 690

Please contact us for more product information such as price, services and refrigeration system.


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